Looking south-east over the Silver Wattles



The Club's bi-monthly newsletter is available to every member and has information on future Club meetings, field trips and activities as well as outside events of interest to members. There is also a write up of previous meetings and activities attended by the Club as well as members' articles on various aspects of nature.

Current newsletter October/November 24 (2002 Kb PDF)

For previous newsletters visit our newsletter archive


Guide to Flowers and Plants of Tasmania, 6th edition

Thanks to the foresight and tireless efforts of the late John and Marion Simmons, this phenomenally successful guide has been available to bush walkers, tourists and others to identify Tasmanian flora since 1981.

The late Mary Cameron an eminent botanist and club member played a leading role in the production of the guide and edited the first three editions. Club members have continued to improve and update the book on a regular basis, with technical assistance from staff at the Tasmanian Herbarium.

Now in its sixth edition, this beautifully illustrated guide has been revised, with updated text and many new pictures.

For ease of identification each of the species described is illustrated by one or more photographs. The text includes all information necessary to help identify the plants: size, description, flowering time, appearance of the flowers and other parts of the plant, and the type of habitat where you may expect to find them.

The book is available from all leading bookstores.

Royalties from the Guide have financed the establishment of the John Skemp Field Centre on the Club's property at Myrtle Bank.

General and Technical Feedback | Last update 16 February 2025
Copyright © Launceston Field Naturalists Club | Website design by Karen Manning