Looking south-east over the Silver Wattles


General Meetings we hold at least six meetings a year and these are held on the first Tuesday of the month in Briggs Hall, at the Senior Campus of Scotch Oakburn College, 85 Penquite Road, Newstead, beginning at 7.30pm. Visitors are most welcome. For more information on our program see below or contact the Program Co-ordinator.

Committee Meetings are held two weeks prior to the General Meeting. If there is anything that you would like considered, please contact a committee member.

John Skemp Memorial Lecture is held as a tribute to John Skemp in May near the anniversary of his death. The lecture is given by an invited speaker an expert in their field of natural history.

Annual General Meeting is in October and is held at either Scotch Oakburn College or the John Skemp Field Centre at Myrtle Bank.

Field Trips are usually held during a weekend following the General Meeting. Until further notice, members should make their own travel arrangements to participate in club outings, contact the Program Co-ordinator, if you require further details.

Monthly Short Walks are of easy grade and generally held on the Thursday following the General Meeting as per the Program. Meet in the carpark at the walk location at 10am.

Skemps Days meet at the property from 10.00am onwards for a social day where we take leisurely walks on the nature trails and participate in other activities. Visitors are welcome and should contact a club member for directions to the property.

Please note that the program is subject to alteration at short notice. This webpage will be updated as changes occur, notification will be sent by email and details given at the general meeting. Please contact the Program Co-ordinator if you have any questions about the details provided and to confirm/notify of attendance.

Tuesday Working Bee from 9.30 - 3pm at the John Skemp Forest Reserve a 62 ha property at Myrtle Bank. If you would like to help with ongoing weeding, track maintenance, and other jobs, please contact Noel Manning on 0458 030 767.

Program: January - December 2024

January Sunday 21
Field Trip
Survey of Inter-tidal Zone at Low Head. Meet at the viewing platform at 2pm to walk out with the tide on East Beach.
January Saturday 27
Community Volunteering

Ragwort Raid, meet at Nunamara Memorial Hall at 9am. (Tamar NRM event)

January Saturday 27
Skemps Day

Meet at the property from 1.30pm to look for Dragonflies & Damselflies with Nigel Forteath (cancelled due to the weather)

Saturday 3
Field Trip
Dragonflies & Damselflies at Four Springs with Professor Forteath, meet in the car park at 10.30am
Tuesday 6
General Meeting

Future Planning for the Club
Supper - Tina McGlynn

Thursday 8
Monthly Short Walk

Dragonflies and birds. Meet at 10am in the carpark under Perth Bridge for a river walk

Sunday 25
Skemps Day
Walk and talk - Insect hunt. Gate open at 10am.
Sunday 3
Community Volunteering
Clean-up Australia Day event on Newnham Creek with members of Litter Free Launnie, from 3.30-5.30pm. Contact Karen Manning for further details.
Tuesday 5
General Meeting

Member Speakers - Dave Allan and Katie Fuller, Travels Around the Sun - looking at the Earth's orbit, declination angle and the Equation of Time, and how these relate to navigation
Supper - Karen Manning

Thursday 7
Monthly Short Walk
Birds in the Gorge - Trevallyn carpark
Sunday 24
Skemps Day
Federation Corridor removal of remaining fence & plant guards
March Friday 29 to
April Monday 1
Field Trip
Invitation to members from TFNC to join them on one or more of their day exursions at the Mt Cameron Field Study Centre, see email forwarded 20 March
Tuesday 2
General Meeting
Guest Speaker - Simon Fearn an Entomologist from QVMAG speaking on Christmas Beetles
Supper - Andrew Smith
Thursday 4
Monthly Short Walk
Duck Reach Power Station (cancelled due to unavailability of the usual enthusiastic members)
April Fri 12 & Sat 13
Field Trip
An opportunity to see a project monitoring the environmental health of Mt Roland and a visit to Erriba to discuss land under private conservation covenant
Friday 19
Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
Saturday 4
Skemps Day
Macroinvertebrate monitoring on Skemps Creek
Sunday 5
Community Event
Weindorfer Day 2024 - further event details
Tuesday 7
General Meeting
John Skemp Memorial Lecture
Member Speaker - Geoff Shannon from Birdlife Tasmania - "From observation to conservation"- How we use our hobby to protect the things we love without spoiling our time with nature
Supper - Kirstin Seaver & Helen Tait
Wednesday 8
Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
Thursday 9
Book Launch at Fullers Bookshop in Hobart from 5.30 to 7pm for Professor Forteath - further event details
Thursday 16


Book Launch at Petrarch's Bookshop in Launceston from 6 to 7.30pm for
Professor Forteath- further event details

Thursday 23
Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
Saturday 25
Skemps Day
Visit and review the Conservation Covenant areas on the property
Tuesday 4
General Meeting

Member Speaker - Roy Skabo - "Secrets of the LFNC"
Supper - Louise Skabo

Thursday 6

Monthly Short Walk

Hollybank Forest Reserve - hands-on practice with iNaturalist

Thursday 20
Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
Thursday 27
Field Trip
QVMAG Planetarium (Birth of Earth) 1-2pm session, $8 per person, arrive 15 mins prior or byo lunch meet at (11.45am) Don River Railway Inveresk Workshop
Saturday 29
Skemps Day
Ferns and Bryophytes, gate open at 9.30am
Tuesday 2
General Meeting
No meeting this month

Thursday 4

Monthly Short Walk
Duck Reach Trail to the First Basin

Friday 26

Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed

Saturday 27

Community Volunteering
Big Plant Day at Georgetown Tip with Tamar NRM
Sunday 28
Skemps Day
National Tree Day - Track maintenance
Tuesday 6
General Meeting
No meeting this month
Thursday 8
Field Trip
Platypus House tour at Beauty Point, arrive 10.15am for 10.30 start (2 hours) $10 per person

Friday 16

Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
August Saturday 31
Skemps Day
Track clearing on the property
Tuesday 3
General Meeting

Guest Speaker - Dr Scott Bell will talk about his three month voyage with Sea Shepherd
Supper - Tom Treloggen
Meeting in the Don Wing Lecture Theatre

September Thursday 5
Monthly Short Walk

Punchbowl and Queechy Lake Reserves

Thursday 19

Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed

Saturday 21

Open Day
Great Southern BioBlitz to be held at Skemps from 9.30am to 4pm
Tuesday 1
Annual General Meeting

Election of Office Bearers, followed by General Meeting
Supper - Sarah Katarzynski

Thursday 3
Monthly Short Walk

Old Mac's Farm - Wetlands and river walk

October Sunday 13
Field Trip
Invited by the Wilderness Society to attend covenented north coast property

Wednesday 23

Committee Meeting
Time and location to be confirmed
October Saturday 26
Field Trip
Tom Gibson Reserve at Epping Forest for wildflowers, meet at Reserve at 10am
Tuesday 5
General Meeting

Member Speaker - Jeff Campbell - Native orchids
Supper - TBC

Thursday 7
Monthly Short Walk

APS Garden at Heritage Forest

Saturday 9
Field Trip
Powranna Nature Reserve for native orchids, meet at Reserve at 10am
November Saturday 23

40th Anniversary of the Arboretum at Eugenana and catch up with Central North field naturalists who are holding a Mini Nature Expo

Saturday 30

Social Meal
75th Anniversary Dinner (12noon for 12.30) to be held at the Olde Tudor Hotel in Prospect, contact Stephen on 6344 1255 for further information
Sunday 1
Skemps Day
Spring clean at the John Skemp Field Centre
Tuesday 3
General Meeting
Members night - Short member presentations
Supper - please bring a plate of food to share
Thursday 5
Monthly Short Walk
Windsor Garden Precinct
Sunday 8
Skemps Day
Members Christmas Get-together, walk and talk day. Bring lunch and a small plate of food to share at afternoon tea, hot drinks available

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General and Technical Feedback | Last update 7 October 2024
Copyright © Launceston Field Naturalists Club | Website design by Karen Manning