Membership is open to all members of the public.
Advantages to becoming a Member
Meet others who are interested in the natural history of Tasmania.
Monthly meetings with guest speakers in areas of natural history.
Participate in regular field trips on various aspects of natural history as well as activities held at the John Skemp Field Centre.
Receive a program detailing Club meetings, field trips and other activities.
Receive bi-monthly newsletter The Launceston Naturalist.
Receive a copy of the Club’s History and the History of the Skemp Property.
Access to resources in the Club’s Library.
Stay at the John Skemp Field Centre at a discounted rate.
Club publication A Guide to Flowers and Plants of Tasmania is available at a discounted price.
Family and single members over the age of 18 are entitled to vote on Club matters as long as they remain financial.
The Constitution (1159Kb PDF) of the Club is available for viewing and Members Code of Conduct (203Kb PDF)
Membership types
Two adults with any children under 18 years
Subscription currently $55.00
Adult or student over 18 years
Subscription currently $35.00
Student under 18 years and not a member of a family group
Subscription currently $5.00
Application for General Membership (567Kb PDF)
Our membership year is from 1 October to
30 September. New memberships received between July 1 and September 30 are credited with membership until September of the following year. Enquiries should be directed to the Secretary. The completed form can be mailed to the address stated on the application form or scanned and emailed to the Secretary.

General and Technical Feedback | Last update 31 January 2025
Copyright © Launceston Field Naturalists Club | Website design by Karen Manning